Music, Shows

Grätzel-Jazz in Vienna


2021 Summer concert activities of Dusha Connection, started by organization of an innovative series of moderated open-air concerts for the cultural stimulation of places in Vienna that are worth discovering.


Grätzel-Jazz ALSERGRUND, Dusha Connection and Wolfgang Puschnig, WUK Vienna (09.06.2021)


Open Air Concerts for everyone

Instead of taking place in concert halls or jazz clubs, the concerts – Due to the pandemic: serendipity! – take place in public spaces under the open sky, giving residents and those interested a low-threshold and free access to art and culture.

Own compositions and arrangements that draw their source of musical inspiration from the rich cultural pot of Viennese music history: The Wiener Lied, Jewish, Slavic and oriental melodies and rhythms as a leitmotif in contemporary jazzy arrangements.

Esad Halilovic (drums and musical direction)
Sebastian Schneider (piano and arrangements)
Clemens Rofner (bass and compositions)
Alena Baich (violin and moderation)

Grätzel-Jazz MEIDLING, Dusha Connection (12.06.2021)



28th Wieden St. Elisabeth Platz, vor dem Eingang der Kirche
29th Leopoldstadt „Central Garden“, Treppelweg am Donaukanal


06th Mariahilf vor der Kirche St. Ägid, Gumpendorferstraße / Brückengasse 5
09th Alsergrund WUK im Hof, Währinger Straße 59, mit special guest Wolfgang Puschnig
12th Meidlinger Markt
16th Ottakring Yppenplatz, vor dem Markt-Café „mani“ / Schellhammergasse
18th Margareten Begegnungszone Reinprechtsdorfer Brücke
19th Döbling Kulturverein „El Tren“, Heiligenstädter Straße 70


06th Währing Johann-Nepomuk-Vogl-Platz, 1180 Wien
07th Penzing „Bebop“ Breitenseer Straße 39  
08th Favoriten Freiluft Bühne „Favorit“, Fußgängerzone Favoritenstraße
10th Brigittenau Vor der Kirche St. Brigitta, Brigittaplatz / Amtshaus
25th Donaustadt    Lagerwiese / Alte Donau 
27th Liesing „Genuss Spiegel“, Levasseurgasse 19 – Kirchenplatz


15th Simmering Szene Wien – Gastgarten, Hauffgasse 26

Thankfully, the events are partially funded by the district’s cultural commissions and supported by the Market Office of the City of Vienna.